Thursday 29 December 2016

Sem 4 - Branding ( Assignment 2 )

For this assignemnt , we were required to re-brand a existing brand which is for weight management or create a new brand and to create a kisok booth for the brand as to do promotion for the weight management centre which we are going to design in the final assignment . We have have choosen a brand called "Vanquish" and we re-brand it by changing the logo and whole concept and even the color scheme of it. Then we also need to create a kisok which was mention it in the front and we were need to create some free sample or some coupons for the booth as a promotional item during promtion time. We created a bag , soap and a electrical coupon which the bar code is printed on the bag. By combining all the reserch , design and brainstrom we were requiered to do a presentation board and max. 10 presentation slides for which include the branding , cis item , kisok booth ( assembly drawing , specification and material ) and the model of the kisok booth as well. While doing the booth we meet alot of problem while design the kisok but in the end all been resolve while going though sections of tutorial with the lecturer. It was whole new exprience to do.

The presentation board

These are the presentation slides we have done.

The model .

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