Tuesday 18 October 2016

Video editing and production - Story Line

Openning -

A normal high school girl which was in class doing her own thing during recess but she was actually reading comic books under her table because she doesn't want to get caught but the perfect or teacher while she was reading it. As she was reading it she start to go wild with her imagination and start to think that she was actually the main female character.

Body -

Imagination * The female character was heart broken when she found out that when the boy she liked is dating her best friend and the 3 of them are best friends as well. She doesn't want to let them know her feelings so start to avoid them and the male lead saw the girl and he back hug her and said that let him accompany you cause he saw her crying but instead the girl was scared because that guy was the most dangerous and also the most handsome guy  in school. At first he start to think that the girl was cute and fun to play with but then he started to like her and the girl started to him as well. But one day a bunch of people wanted to fight with the guy but the girl was with him so he chased her away but she got the wrong idea that he actually just wanted to protect her. After that he chase back to the girl class and carried her up to a private place and he confess his love to her.

Ending -

As the girl was imagining the story the school bell suddenly rang and that when she's snap out from her imagination and then the crush of her life walked by even didn't glimpse at her for a sec and thats when she realise something like in the comic book wouldn't happen at all and there's no one will suddenly come up to you and offer something so sudden.  The world is cruel , there's no such thing as a fairy tale ending in all stories . The real fairy tale is the one that you made by yourself , you don't wait but you do it yourself if not the real life is going to stay the same as it is,

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