Friday 13 October 2017

Part 1 of renovation : Community Service Initiative

After the presentation , for the second visitation group 1 (Wall painting) and group 2 (Furniture) have started their work at PPOC. For this visitation documentation , we filmed group 1 to paint the wall with a white paint all over the classroom as the base coat of the paint but before that they need to clean the place and tear down the things from the wall move all the furnitures away from the class. So as for group 2 they were the one who moved the tables , chair and the cupboard out from the classroom and after doing that , they start to demolish some part of the table such as the side's of the table and the surface of it so they could put a new laminated piece of wood on top of it . After taking the unused part at the table they started to paint a layer of coat on top of the table. So after group 1 and 2 were done with the base coat painting for both wall and table they needed to wait for it to dry before they could paint colour or layer a second coat on top of it.

Presentation 1 : Community Service Initiative

For this presentation , we need to document the presentation for their proposal for the ppoc renovation for each group. As for us , we start to document them while they are doing their presentation , lecturer giving comments and so on. For this section of presentation , we not just justify the proposal of each group and also justify the budget that each group would have as they need to control their spending within it. After the presentation , we need to do a peer evaluation to evaluation the first phase of our group member performance. So here are some pictures and video for the presentation. 


Friday 8 September 2017

Part 1 : Community Service Initiative

For the first week we went to the centre to do our first briefing which we knew what to do and what should we do for this project. After briefing , we have separate into 5 group which responsible for different things and I was being separate into group 5 which me and my group mates are responsible to document them in a video form and edits the pictures that we have took. 

So after the briefing we start to do discuss and to document the process of the project. We separate into 2 group to film in different location which one is at the class and one at the working area where the people are doing their work. After the visitation we took groups picture to end the whole visitation. It was a great experience in a whole.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Sem 4 - Final assignment

For the final assignemnt , we were required to create our own centre. For my title is weight managnament according to the first assignment , and through that have been slowly develop the concept of the centre to the design of the centre. Through out the project there are many difficulities but thorugh out the hard work , the final design of the centre had come out and I was sastified with it although there are some bad comments on it .Becuase its my hardwork I'm happy that what I get and the fedback which I have I will think and used it in the future project as well. We were required to create 2 A0 size presentation board and a model ( partly ) of the centre.

The final presentation board

The final presentation board . ( resubmmision )

The model of the area ( front door )

Sem 4 - Site analaysis

For this assignment , we were required to analysis our site , and the choosen site is the Greyhouse in Bangsar. This assignment was being separated into 3 big groups in our class. During the process it was hard to control a big group which is a challange for me but in the end , eveyone had done their part nicely . While ghathering all the information of the site , we walked the area of bangsar and take many picture for refrences , it was nice experience to have for site visitng.

This is the link of the site analysis and swot

Sem 4 - Branding ( Assignment 2 )

For this assignemnt , we were required to re-brand a existing brand which is for weight management or create a new brand and to create a kisok booth for the brand as to do promotion for the weight management centre which we are going to design in the final assignment . We have have choosen a brand called "Vanquish" and we re-brand it by changing the logo and whole concept and even the color scheme of it. Then we also need to create a kisok which was mention it in the front and we were need to create some free sample or some coupons for the booth as a promotional item during promtion time. We created a bag , soap and a electrical coupon which the bar code is printed on the bag. By combining all the reserch , design and brainstrom we were requiered to do a presentation board and max. 10 presentation slides for which include the branding , cis item , kisok booth ( assembly drawing , specification and material ) and the model of the kisok booth as well. While doing the booth we meet alot of problem while design the kisok but in the end all been resolve while going though sections of tutorial with the lecturer. It was whole new exprience to do.

The presentation board

These are the presentation slides we have done.

The model .

Sem 4 - Branding ( Assignment 1 )

For the assignemnt 1 we are required to do reserach and understand about what is weight management ( which our group had picked ) . As while we are doing our research we found out that weight management is just a whole as it sub into many other more specific roles and the one which we choose is "IDEAL BMI". While having a more specific role to do reserch on we even dig deeper and understand it and knew what kind of treatment that is needed , what type of people would usually want to maintain or achive their ideal weight . After going the process of reserach and brain stroming we were requierd to create a video talk about what is wiegh management ( ideal BMI ) and the various type of treatment in it . We learn alot during the process as well.

This is the video which we made.

This are the reserach we have done