Tuesday 28 April 2015

Understanding Plan , Elevation and 3D View

For this assignment I was required to understand what is plan , elevation and 3D view . So I was assign to draw some basic shape of it's plan , elevation and 3D view. For this assignment I was suppose to draw on both tracing paper ( with artline ) and on cartridge paper too as well.

Cartridge paper

Tracing paper

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Physical Component

For this week , we learnt to draw physical components such as tables , chairs , sofa and cupboard . Well , it's the 1st time doing this  and drawing it without using a ruler making it more difficult then I though it will be . It's because that the proportion of the object is hard capture it. But I will try my best to draw as same as possible as the picture that was shown beside my drawing . Everyone need a 1st step in order to make it possible so this my 1st time sketch it out.





Practice makes prefect although is not nice but the fact that is at least I tired my best to make it right , that's what it counts right ?

Wednesday 15 April 2015

6 Fundamental assignment

For this assignment we were required to draw out a movie by using the 6 fundamental on a A3 size cartridge paper. Although is not cute or nice but at least I try to make it nice. The movie that I chose is " The Rise Of The Guardians " . Basically this movie have a lot of character and drawing a character is one of my weakest thing. At last , I finally draw out everything and I was happy that I finish it as well without changing my movie.

Fill in the object assignment

For this assignment we were required to draw objects and human figure on the given space. The objects were chair , cupboard , table and a sofa set as well . Not just that , we also need to draw 5 human figure as well . It was bad , REALLY BAD .

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Rendering Perspective - Watercolour

For this assignment , I was required to render any object I want and render the A3 size paper that was given us by the lecturer instead of using pencil I will be using watercolor this time . I really like how the watercolor merger together but you need to have technique in order to color it nicely. I really struggle trying to render using watercolor because is my first time using watercolor to render an object . I hope is not too ugly , Here is it.

Sketch note

For this week , we will have to create our own character to represent ourselves , as in drawing me but in a more cartoon way . We 1st sketch our character out in a stick man form then we can slowly add in some more detail to make it more like a '' human '' although is just a rough sketch but it still represent us as us . We also sketch some action for our character to make it more realistic . Here are some of the sketches that I sketched out . 

This is how I created my character .

This is how my character move.

Not just that , we also learn that doing a sketch note there's 6 fundamental in order to create a visual sketch note . The 6 fundamental are font , bullets , frame , connections , shadow and peeps . 

Doing a visual sketch note is not reading with your ear is reading with your eyes through out the visual sketch note.

Friday 10 April 2015

Tiny Details Assignment

For this assignment, we are required to use the hatching techniques and tone value to draw out a car , a dead leaf or an inside of a watch. So I choose to draw a dead leaf for this assignment , It was hard because the dead leaf was so small but I was required to draw out it's detail. But at least I try my best to draw this out and the outcome was not bad as well. Here is it.

Tone Value Assignment

For this assignment , we are required to sketch 5 items that we choose and use the hatching techniques that we learn and also apply tone value to it to make more stand out. The 5 items that I draw was my purse , a book , pencil , ruler and a sharpener. I used the scribbling technique to it. It's not that nice but at least I got 5/10 so is still okay right ?

Thursday 9 April 2015

Tone Value

Today we are going to 4 type of tone value sketching on our visual dairy. The 4 different kind of rendering are included hatching , crosshatching , scribbling and stippling. We have to render the tone value of each kind of tone value . It's the 1st time doing this although it was not nice but practice makes prefect. So here are the outcomes. 





Wednesday 8 April 2015

Basic Form

Today we learnt about the basic form . Basic form included cube , cone , sphere and we have complete a task on our visual dairy to draw out an object that we could think of. Although it was easy but drawing out the basic form by using constructions line is a first time for me and it doesn't came out what I expected it to be , so here it's it .




