Sunday 20 December 2015

IDP 2 - final assignment

The final assignment that we did it was music retail shop that was 2 style crossover and that is hard rock and eclectic style . The shop of the name is called metalhead. This assignment was a ongoing process for weeks and weeks . With the time frame giving I gave my 100 % of time and effort to finish this assignment , it may have some glitches but at least I gave my all and I did not regret .

Monday 14 September 2015

Rhythm wall - Hard rock

For this assignment ,each on of us were required to produce a rhythm wall base on our music gender and mine was hard rock. For this particular assignment , I need to 1st understand the true music of hard rock and to really feel the music , the beat , the rhythm of the music in order to produce a rhythm wall that will make people feel HARD ROCK after seeing it. This wall could have a function or it could just be a wall ( divider also can ) , is our own choice to choose which kind of wall do we want

The keyword of my rhythm wall is " SHOUT FOR JOY " . The meaning to this particular keyword is the hard rocker they usually sing in a method of shouting , growling or sing in a really high-pitch but the people listening to it usually can't hear the lyrics the song but instead they were enjoying the way that they sing and the enjoy the environment that they created by shouting. Not all hard rock song lyrics are rebellious , anger ,ego or other negative thoughts but there are also lyrics that are happy or it express excitement , joy and more . So not all hard rock band give negativity to the listener but they also bring the joy and excitement to the audience that is why my keyword for this assignment is  "SHOUT FOR JOY ".

As for the design of the wall I choose heat beat to represent hard rock. Most hard rock song are not about the meaning of the lyrics they but they way they sing to express the feel of the song , the reason why I choose heart beat is because that rockers use their heart and soul to express the feel and rhythm to the audience and they will feel the music with their heart , a beat  , a guitar solo or even a shout could effect how our heart and soul feel about that song . That is why I choose using heartbeat to represent hard rock. As for the one of the heart beat that look likes a " devil horn " it's actually represent a electronic guitar . Every band have their own electronic guitar design that represent the band and as for the " devil horn " looking guitar part represent the guitarist form AC/DC . So it's like a logo or representative design to represent a band or a guitarist. The inside part of the rhythm wall is layer represent the different kind of beat that a music give . The inner part is the smallest and the outside is the largest it show that the song is getting more and more high until it reach it climax and everyone shouts.


 .Sideways - Inside 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Info graphic - hard rock.

For this assignment , It was a group assignment and we are required to do a A1 size info graphic board about hard rock ( the music gender that we randomly picked ). To be honest , when I 1st picked hard rock I thought that it was going to be a huge challange for me , but I just need to face it and try to do my best, learn about hard rock and to truly understand what hard rock is. Although the board was not as good as it was but the one thing I know that I really tired to learn what is hard rock but I still can't truly understand what hard rock is . I think that if you want to produce a work that make people feels hard rock the 1st basic thing is to truly understand what is hard work . I know that I didn't understand it well and that is why the work that we produce is not as good as it would be . Doing this assignment is really a good experience because there's only one of my group member listen to hard rock and the other one just listen to a few of it only why did i say it was a good experience it was because that it was a big challenge for me and for us to transfer music on to a board , to transfer the understanding of hard rock to images. I know that we did not do well for this assignment.Working with the group mate I have in this assignment it was a smooth and happy process .  Although it was not the best but I know we did our best and  tried our best to produce out this assignment. For the coming  assignments I will try my best to accept and truly understand what is hard rock and try my best to produce a work that worth people say " WOW " .  

Monday 6 July 2015

Final Assignment ( Intro to Design Project )

For today is our presentation for our survival pod presentation day . I was very nervous but when the minute I finish my presentation I felt relieved . All my hard work through out the semester is all rapped up in this day. Although is tiring but is also a great time doing all this work.


Wednesday 1 July 2015

Rendering Presentation - Marker rendering

For this last assignment I was required to use marker to render the plan and the elevation. A total newbie using marker to render sure failed a few times but at last I got the hang of the marker so it was easier to render as well. This is my presentation that I have done , here it is .


Today is our submission of our portfolio and visual dairy. Through out this sem I learnt a lot and I hope I will improve more in the future.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Model Making

For this assignment is a group work . My group members are Me , Olivia , Celine and Wei Ning. This is the first time doing a model although is small model it took us 2 days long hours contentiously to finish this model off .When we finish this model we are very satisfied with  outcome . Not to mention the details of the model was so small it took us more time to cut it cause we were scared that it would break because it's a little bit fragile. 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Two Point Perspective - Object

For this assignment , I was required to draw 6 objects using two point perspective and same as the one point perspective I have to draw the grid line again too. Same like the previous assignment it takes more time to do it . It's look easy but it's actually really hard to draw. Here is it.

One point perspective - Object

For this assignment , I was required to draw 6 objects with one point perspective and again I needed to construct the gird line for the one point point perspective and this time it really took me some time to finish it . I was quite satisfied with it as well . Here it is .


Oblique Projection

For this assignment I was required to draw this object that was given to me as my assignment. We were required to use either 45 degree & 45 degree or 30 degree & 60 degree. It's seem like a easy object but when you really start drawing it , it's really hard like hell . Luckily , I mange to draw everything although there's some mistake but at least the rest of it are correct.

Paraline Objection - Isometric Skill Test

For this time is not an assignment that I am going to post about is a quick test that we took during class . We are required to draw the object that was given . It was not hard and it doesn't took me alot of time drawing it too as well . Here is it.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Two point perspective - Grid Line

For this assignment I was required to draw the gird line for the two point perspective. There's also quite a lot of steps to follow in order to draw this out but it's also didn't took me a lot time to draw it as well. Here is it.

One point perspective - Gird line

For this assignment I was required to create the an one point perspective gird line . Although it looks easy but it's not as easy as you think . There are many steps to follow in order to create the gird line of one point perspective . Surprisingly , it didn't took me a lot of time to complete it although it was confusing when I draw until half way of it . Here is it .

One point and two point perspective

For this time visual dairy task I was required to find 3 picture of one point and two point perspective each and determine the CL , HL , GL and the VP .

One point perspective 

One point perspective 

Two point perspective 

Two point perspective 

Two point perspective 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Redang Trip

For our holiday , our class traveled to Redang as our class trip . Although it's seem like a holiday but it's actually not because we have to go and do research for our assignment. We have done diving although we didn't go deep down under the sea but at least we mange to explore the sea but not in a deep level. It's was a fun and memorable time at Redang. We also attend a short lecture there as well.