Friday 15 August 2014

Our color wheel assignment

For this color wheel assignment is actually a group assignment and my group members are totally out of my comfort zone but still I worked fine with them and it's quite alright . At first , we wanted to choose light bulb as our theme and the actual one is actually is our backup plan . This time we used cloth as our subject matter and it's going to hang all around the studio that we currently using right now . It's seems easy but when you actually are hanging up the cloths is challenging and we needed to climb up a leader or we need to stack up a chair on to a table and stand up on the chair in order us to hang up our cloth . The budget or each person is about 30 ++ and after this you could keep at least 2 cloth for each person . For our cloth we needed to cut into half because it's too thick and we need to make it longer to hang it on to strings and we also need to sew the cloth together as well too .

This is the part when we are still figuring out on how to hang the cloth up . Is quite challenging and it took us
quite some time to figure it out. 

this is the part we done finish hang with our cloth and it's time to make it pretty .

This is our finally outcome of our assignment does it look like heaven to you ?

This is my group members , is actually quite fun and good having the chance to work with them too . I am grateful for having them as my group members.

The finally outcome for this color wheel assignment was great and awesome it really paid off the hard work . We love it and it really lights up the studio and our classmate also love it as well too . We really hoped to hang it up as long as we can but we can't so we all just need to enjoy the moment we have with it . 
ps: we needed to take a selfie as our group photo . 

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